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Yurt Dışı Makaleleri

30 Ağustos 2013 - 03:30
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Prof.Dr. Selçuk AKIN'ın Yurt Dışı Makaleleri

S. Akın, M. Özcan

Posterior interosseous flap (Abstract)

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 96(5): 1245, 1995.

S. Akın, M. Özcan

The reverse ulnar artery forearm island flap (Abtract)

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 96(5): 1241, 1995.

A. Karacalar, S. Akın, M. Özcan

The second dorsal metacarpal artery flap with double pivot points

British Journal of Plastic Surgery 49(2):97-102, 1996.

S. Akın, M. Özcan

Reconstruction of foot dorsiflexion using lateral arm free flap with vascularized triceps tendon.

European Journal of Plastic Surgery 19(6): 323-326, 1996.

S. Akın, M. Özcan

A nonclassified preaxial polydactyly of the foot.

European Journal of Plastic Surgery 20(3): 161-163, 1997.

M. Tezcan, M. Özcan, R. Kahveci, E. Şafak, S. Akın

A new flap from the dorsum of the first intermetacarpal area: The first dorsal intermetacarpal flap.

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 100(4): 914-918, 1997.

B. Cihantimur, S. Akın, M. Özcan

Clear cell hidradenoma of the index finger

European Journal of Plastic Surgery 20(6): 318-319, 1997.

B. Cihantimur, S. Akın, M. Özcan

Percutaneous treatment of trigger finger

Acta Orthopaedica Scandinavica 69(2): 167-168, 1998.

S. Akın, M. Özcan

Post-ischemic flap washout with hydroxethyl starch (HAES) and its beneficial effect on the no reflow phenomenon in rat skin island flaps.

European Journal of Plastic Surgery 21(5): 238-242, 1998.

M. Özcan, S. Akın, S. Özbek, R. Kahveci, E. Şafak, A. Karacalar

Temporomandibuler joint reconstruction with free microvascular transfer of the metetarsophalangeal joint: a case report

Microsurgery 18(3): 152-155, 1998.

S. Akın, M. Özcan

Salvage of the lower leg using a reversed long free fibular flap

Annals of Plastic Surgery 42(2): 170-173, 1999.

R. Kahveci, C. Şen, S. Akın, M. Özcan

A case with Poland’s syndrome and athelia

European Journal of Plastic Surgery 22(1): 51-52, 1999.

M. Özcan, S. Akın, A. Ay, M. Tezcan,

Phalloplasty with free osteocutaneous fibular flap in a transsexual case (Abstract)

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 104(3): 890, 1999.

G.Y. Özgenel, S. Akın, A. Uysal, N. Köksal, M. Özcan

Gangrene of the upper extremity in the newborn

European Journal of Plastic Surgery 23(8): 429-431, 2000.

S. Akın

Burned ear reconstruction using a prefabricated free radial forearm flap

Journal of Reconstructive Microsurgery 17(4): 233-236, 2001.

S. Akın

Microvascular free on-top plasty in a mutilated hand

Annals of Plastic Surgery 47(2): 183-187, 2001.

S. Akın, Y. Özgenel, M. Özcan (BAŞLICA ARAŞTIRMA ESERİ)

Osteocutaneous posterior interosseous flap for reconstruction of the metacarpal bone and soft-tissue defects in the hand.

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 109(3): 982-987, 2002.

Not: Bu yayın dosyada ayrıca başlıca araştırma eseri olarak ayrı bir bölüme de tekrar


Y. Özgenel, S. Akın, R. Kahveci, Ş. Turan, M. Özcan

Reconstruction of burn-damaged female breasts.

European Journal of Plastic Surgery 25(3): 152-155, 2002.

S. Akın, K. Durak

One-stage treatment of chronic osteomyelitis of the proximal tibia using a pedicled vascularised double-barrel fibular flap together with a muscle flap

British Journal of Plastic Surgery 55(6): 520-523, 2002.

S. Akın, O. Basut

A new flap design for monitoring the circulation of a buried free radial forearm flap in pharyngoesophageal reconstruction

Journal of Reconstructive Microsurgery 18(7): 591-594, 2002.

S. Akın, M. Özcan

Using a plastic sheet to prevent the risk of contamination of the burn wound during the shower

Burns 29:280-283, 2003.

S. Akın

V-Y advancement island flap base on the perforator of the anterior interosseous artery

Annals of Plastic Surgery 51(1): 51-56, 2003.

E. Özdamar, S. Özbek, S. Akın

An unusual cause of burn injury: fig leaf recoction used as a remedy for a dermatitis of unknown etiology

Journal of Burn Care Rehabilation, 24: 229-233, 2003.

C. Bozkurt, S. Akın, Ş. Doğan, E. Özdamar, S. Aytaç, K. Aksoy, O. Erol

Using the sac membrane to close flap donor site in large meningomyeloceles

British Journal of Plastic Surgery, 57(3): 273-277, 2004.

G.,Y. Özgenel, S. Akın, S. Özbek, R. Kahveci, M. Özcan

Thermal injuries due to paint thinner

Burns, 30: 154-155, 2004.

26. S. Akın

Experience with neovaginal construction using the full-thickness skin graft in vaginal agenesis.

Annals of Plastic Surgery, 52(4): 391-396, 2004

27. S. Akın

An unusual and nonclassified central polydactyly of the foot

Annals of Plastic Surgery, 53(1): 86-88, 2004.

N. Özkan, L. Altan, Ü. Bingöl, S. Akın, M. Yurtkuran

Investigation of the supplementary effect of GaAs laser therapy on the rehabilitation of human digital flexor tendons.

Journal of Clinical Laser Medicine and Surgery, 22(2): 105-110, 2004.

S. Akın

A modified syringe suction drainage system

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 113(7): 2221-2222, 2004.

S.Aytaç, A. Etöz, S. Akın

Skin necrosis caused by prilocaine: A case report,

Wounds-A Compendium of Clinical Research and Practice, 17(3): 58-61, Mar 2005.

C. Gebitekin, A.S. Bayram, S. Akın

Complex pulmonary aspergilloma treated with single stage cavernostmy and myoplasty

Eur. J. Cardio-Thoracic Surg, 27: 737-740, 2005.

U. Aydınlı, S. Akın, O. Tirelioğlu, C. Öztürk, U. Yalçınkaya, Y. Sadıkoğlu

A new autogenous graft choise in pelvic reconstruction: free vascularized rib (a case


Arch Orthop Travma Surg, 2006 (Baskıda)

K. Karaca, A. Etöz, S.Akın

Racket-shaped kite flap

Eur J Gen Med, 2(2): 138-139, 2005

S. Aytaç, S. Özbek, R. Kahveci, Y. Özgenel, S. Akın, M.Özcan

Titanium mesh fracture in mandibular reconstruction

Journal of Craniofacial Surgery, 16(6): 1120-1122, Nov 2005.

H. Sarıcaoğlu, S. Akın, S.B. Adım, S.K. Karadoğan

Cutaneous inflammatory pseudotumour

J Eur Acod Dermatol Venerol

20(6): 750-751, July 2006.



A. Karacalar, S. Akın, M. Özcan

The second dorsal metacarpal artery flap with double pivot points

British Journal of Plastic Surgery 49(2): 97-102, 1996.

Atıfta Bulunanlar:

(1) A. Karacalar, M. Özcan

U-I flap

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 102(3): 741-747, 1998.

(2) N.B. Meland

Soft-tissue Trauma and Reconstruction

Hand Surgery, (Ed.) Mosby, Chapter 4-12, 83-85, 1998.

(3) YuGR, Yuan F, Chang SM, et al.

Microsurgical second dorsal metacarpal artery cutaneous and tenocutaneous flap

for distal finger reconstruction: Anatomic Study and Clinical application

Microsurgery 25(1): 30-35, 2005.

(4) Omokawa S, Tanaka Y, Ryu J, et al.

Anatomical basis for a vascular pedicled island flap from the dorsal area of the


Scandinavian Journal of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and Hand Surgery

39(2): 90-94, 2005.

B. Cihantimur, S. Akın, M. Özcan

Percutaneous treatment of trigger finger – 34 fingers followed 0.5-2 years.

Acta Orthopaedica Scandinavica 69(2): 167-168, 1998.

Atıfta Bulunanlar:

(1) Maneerit J, Sriworakun C, Buahraja W, et al.

Trigger thumb: Results of a prospective randomised study of percutaneous release

with steroid injection versus steroid injcetion alone.

J Hand Surg (Brit) 28B(6): 586-589, 2003.

(2) Gilberts ECAM, Wereldsma JCJ

Long-term results of percutaneous and open surgery for trigger fingers and thumbs

Internal Surgery 87(1): 48-52, 2002.

(3) Blumberg N., Arbel R., Dekel S.

Percutaneous release of trigger digits

Journal of Hand Surgery (Br.) 26(3): 256-257, 2001.

(4) Gilberts ECAM, Beekman WH., Stevens HJPD, et al.

Prospective randomized trial of open versus percutaneous surgery for trigger digits

Journal of Hand Surgery (Am) 26(3): 497-500, 2001.

(5) Ha KI, Park MJ, Ha CW

Percutaneous release of trigger digits – A technique and results using a specially designed knife

Journal Bone Joint Surgery (Br) 83(1): 75-77, 2001.

(6) Park MJ, Oh I, Ha KI

A1 pulley release of locket trigger digit by percutaneous technique

Journal of Hand Surgery (Br) 29B (5): 502-505, 2004.

(7) Chern TL, Jou IM, Yen SH, et al.

Cadaveric study of sonographically assisted percutaneous release of the A1 pulley

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 115(3): 811-822, 2005.

(8) Akttar S, Bradley MJ, Qcainton DN, et al.

Management and referral for trigger finger/thumb

British Medical Journal 331(7507): 30-33 Jul 2, 2005.

(9) Ragoowansi R, Acornley A, Rhoo CT.

Percutaneous trigger finger release: the lift-cut technique

British Journal of Plastic Surgery, 58(6): 817-821, 2005.

(10) Jou IM, Chern TC

Sonographically assisted percutaneous release of the A1 pulley: A new surgical

technique for treeting trigger digit.

Journal of Hand Surgery (Br), 31B(2): 191-199, 2006.

(11) FuYC, Huang PJ, Tier YC, et al. Revision of incompletely released trigger fingers

by percutaneous release: Results and complications.

J Hand Surg (Am), 31A (8): 1288-1291, Oct. 2006

M. Tezcan, M. Özcan, R. Kahveci, E. Şafak, S. Akın

A new flap from the dorsum of the first intermetacarpal area: The first dorsal intermetacarpal flap

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 100(4): 914-918, 1997.

Atıfta Bulunan:

(1) Pistre V., Pelissier P., Martin D., et al.

Vascular blood supply of the dorsal side of the thumb, first web and index finger: Anatomical study

Journal of Hand Surgery (Br) 26(2): 98-104, 2001.

S. Akın, M. Özcan

Salvage of the lower leg using a reversed long free fibular flap

Annals of Plastic Surgery 42 (2): 170-173, 1999.

Atıfta Bulunan:

(1) S. Akın, K. Durak

One-stage treatment of chronic osteomyelitis of the proximal tibia using a pedicled vascularised double-barrel fibular flap together with a muscle flap

British Journal of Plastic Surgery 55(6): 520-523, 2002.

S. Akın

Burned ear reconstruction using a prefabricated free radial forearm flap

Journal of Reconstructive Microsurgery 17(4): 233-236, 2001.

Atıfta Bulunan:

(1) Park C., Roh TS., Chi HS.

Total ear reconstruction in the devascularized temporoparietal region: II Use of the omental free flap

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 111(4): 1391-1397, 2003.

(2) Teng MS, Malkin BD, Urken MC

Prefabricated composite free flaps for trached reconstruction: A new technique

Annals of Otology Rhinology and Laryngology 114(11): 822-826, 2005.

(3) Chiang YC

Combined tissue expansion and relamination of forearm flap in major ear

reconstruction of forearm

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 117(4): 1292-1295, 2006.

(4) Mutaf M., Işık D., Atık B., et al.

Versatility of the bilobed cervical skin flap for total ear reconstruction in the

unfarorable temporoaurialomastoid region.

Plastic and Reconstruction Surgery, 118(3): 652-662, 2006.

M. Özcan, S. Akın, S. Özbek, R. Kahveci, E. Şafak, A. Karacalar

Temporomandibular joint reconstruction with free microvascular transfer of the metatarsophalangeal joint: A case report

Microsurgery 18(3): 152-155, 1998.

Atıfta Bulunanlar:

(1) Landa LE., Gordon C., Dahar N., et al.

Evaluation of long-term stability in second metatarsal reconstruction of the temporomandibular joint

Journal of Oral Maxilla Surgery 61(1): 65-71, 2003.

(2) Vilkki SK., Hukki J., Nietosvaara Y., et al.

Microvascular temporomandibular joint and mandibular ramus reconstruction in hemifacial microsomia

Journal of Craniofacial Surgery 13(6): 809-815, 2002.

(3) Schmelzeisen R., Gellrich NC., Schramm A., et al.

Navigation-guided resection of temporomandibular joint ankylosis promotes safety in skull base surgery

Journal of Oral Maxilla Surgery 60(11): 1275-1283, 2002.

(4) Bond SE, Saeed NR, Cussons PD et al.

Reconstruction of the temporomandibular joint by the transfer of the free vascularised second metatarsal

Brit J Oral Max Surg 42(3) 241-245, Jun 2004.

7. S. Akın, Y. Özgenel, M. Özcan (BAŞLICA ARAŞTIRMA ESERİ)

Osteocutaneous posterior interosseous flap for reconstruction of the metacarpal bone and soft-tissue defects in the hand.

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 109(3): 982-987, 2002.

Atıfta Bulunan:

(1) A. Ege, İ. Tuncay, Ö. Erçetin

Posterio interosseous artery flap in travmatic hand injuries

Arch Orthop Trauma Surg 123: 323-326, 2003.

(2) Le JYL, Pho RWH, Yeo DSC

Central column reconstruction following total reseetion of a third metacarpal giant

cell tumour.

Journal of Hand Surgery (Br), 30B (6): 650-655, 2005.

(3) Del Piral F, Garcla-Berral FJ, Dalgado J et al.

Vascularized bone blocks from the toe phalanx to solve complex intercalated

defects in the fingers

Journal of Hand Surgery – American 31 (A) (7): 1075-1082.

S. Akın

V-Y advancement island flap based on the perforator of the anterior interosseous artery

Ann Plast Surg 51(1): 51-56, 2003.

Atıfta Bulunan:

(1) Talbot SG, Athanasian EA, Cordeiro PG et al.

Soft tissue reconstruction following tumor resection in the hand.

Hand Clin 20(2): 181, 2004.

(2) Omokawa S, Tanaka Y, Ryu J, et al.

Anatomical basis for a vascular pedicled island flap from the dorsal area of the


Scandinavian Journal of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and Hand Surgery

39(2): 90-94, 2005.

S. Akın, M. Özcan

A nonclassified preaxial polydactyly of the foot

Eur J Plast Surg 20(3): 161-163, 1997.

Atıfta Bulunan:

(1) Akın S.

An unusual and nonclassified central polydactyly of the foot

Ann Plast Surg 53(1): 86-88, 2004.

N. Özkan, L. Altan, U. Bingöl, S. Akın, M. Yurtkuran

Investigation of the supplementary effect of GaAs laser therapy on the rehabilitation of

human digital flexor tendons.

Journal of Clinical Laser Medicine and Surgery 22(2): 105-110, 2004.

Atıfta Bulunan:

(1) Sharma P., Maffulli N.

Current concepts review tendon injury and tendinopathy: Healing and repair

Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery (Am) 87A(1): 187-202, 2005.

(2) Bjordal JM, Baxter GD.

Ineffeotive dose and lack of laser output testing in laser shoulder and neck studies.

Photomedicine and Laser Surgery 24(4): 533-534, 2006.

11. C. Bozkurt, S. Akın, Ş. Doğan, E. Özdamar, S. Aytaç, K. Aksoy, O. Erol

Using the sac membrane to close flap donor site in large meningomyeloceles

British Journal of Plastic Surgery, 57(3): 273-277, 2004.

Atıfta Bulunan:

(1) Özçelik D, Yıldız KH, Is M et al.

Soft tissue closure and plastic surgical aspects of large dorsal myelomeningocel

defects review of techniques

Neurosurgical Review, 28(3): 218-225, 2005.

E. Özdamar, S.Özbek, S.Akın

An unusual cause of burn injury: Fig leaf decoction used as a remedy for a dermatitis

of unknown etiology

Journal of Burn Care and Rehabilitation, 24(4): 229-233, 2003.

Atıfta Bulunan:

(1) Moloney FJ, Parnell J, Buckley CC

I atrogenic phytophotodermatitis resulting from herbal treatment of an allergic

contact dermatitis. Clinical and Experimental Dermatology, 31(1): 39-41, 2006.

S. Akın

A modified syringe suction drainage system

Plastic and Reconstrc Surg, 113(7): 2221-2222, 2004

Atıfta Bulunan:

(1) Tan O, Atık B, Parmaksızoğlu D

An adjustable syringe suction drain

Plastic and Reconstrc Surg, 116(7): 2060-2061, 2005.

S. Akın, O. Basut

A new flap design for monitoring the circilation of a buried free radial forearm flap in

pharyngovesophageal reconstruction

Journal of Reconstructive Microsurgery 18(7): 591-594, 2002.

Atıfta Bulunan:

(1) Agarwal JP, Stenson KM, Gottlieb LJ

A simplified design of a dual island fasciocutaneous flap for simultaneous

pharyngoesophangeal and anterior neck reconstruction.

Journal of Reconstructive Surgery, 22(2): 105-112, Feb 2006.

(2) Pellini R, Richi B, Ruggierim et al. Venous flow through flap as an eternal monitor

for buried radial forearm flap in head and neck reconstruction. Journal of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, 59(11): 1217-1221, 2006.

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